Friday, February 10, 2006

Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Got nothing important to say today.

My husband is still getting on my nerves, this time about taxes (why the hell do we have to do this shit every year?).

Jake's in trouble for trying to go to school without brushing his teeth (how can he be my kid and be so disgusting?).

Morgan's in trouble for coming down 6 times last night and telling me that she "can't sleep" (what the hell does she want me to do? Drug her?).

Shaunne is PMSing, as usual (and there ain't enough MIDOL on the planet to get her over it) plus, she's just 15 and has that wonderful teenage attitude that the whole world sucks and is out to get her... her dad is stupid, I am stupid, everyone is stupid except for her and her friends (nevermind that the lot of them share one freakin brain...). Hell, she even gave her little sister hell last night at dinner for "being judgemental" and "stereotyping" people (Shaunne would qualify as one of the "freaks" and her little sister is one of the popular "cheerleader" types).

Mark? Well, let's just suffice it to say that he's 6 (and is working on perfecting his "obnoxious" skills to one day use on his wife).

And Emily, bless her heart, hasn't gotten on my nerves yet today because she's still sleeping (but hey, it IS only 8am... give her time).

What the hell was I thinking having so many kids? Why didn't I stop at 1? I love them dearly, but DAMN! Sometimes Mom just needs a break! Not to mention that I'm on day 10 of the "hormone from hell" regiment. Two more days to go before I can start relaxing... right now, I am so wound up that if you startled me, I'd probably explode...

OK, so now I get to spend the day with my mother-in-law. We're having a yard sale tomorrow (oh joy!)! Oh, and of course, it has been absolutely B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L every day this week, but tomorrow morning they are calling for rain/snow showers. YAY! At least I am going to get rid of the mountain of crap that has been accumulating in my garage. Hey, maybe I can just hold it in the garage and clear ALL of that crap out... including the golf clubs and boat! Nah, don't think that would go over well....

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