Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mardi Gras here we come!

I haven't lost my mind, I swear. We're not doing the crazy-New Orleans-booby flashing-Mardi Gras. We're doing the not so crazy-Mobile-keep your shirt on-Mardi Gras. My family lives in Mobile and I lived there until I was 32 years old. I was involved, and went to parades for the first 32 years of my life... then I moved to Georgia. The first 2 years I was here, the girls didn't live with us, and Jake was only in kindergarten (so it didn't matter if he missed school) and Mark was in preschool, so we went down for Mardi Gras. I now haven't been in 2 years, though, and I'm starting to really miss it! This year the kids have an extra day off school on Friday (for "teacher sick of school day", as I call it), and we're packing up and heading down to at least get 3 days worth of Mardi Gras, which is way better than nothing!

Now, as I'm sure that none of you know, Mardi Gras BEGAN in Mobile. If you don't believe me, go here and check it out. Mobilians just don't get as much publicity as New Orleans because they keep their shirts on (or go to jail). My grandfather, uncles, cousins, mom, & grandmother were all members of different parading organizations. I remember as a little girl not being able to wait until I grew up and get to go to the balls. I loved the formal dresses, and let's face it, there's not a man alive that doesn't look good in tails. My grandparents have passed away, but my Uncles and cousins are still members and so is my mom. One of my uncles will ride on Saturday night!

The girls have never been to Mardi Gras, so I am really looking forward to thier reactions to things. I hope it stays clear and on the warmer side, as being downtown in the rain and cold can be miserable! If you're a true Mobilian, you understand - you will stand in the rain and the cold to see some drunks go by on a float while they throw things at you. If you are not a true Mobilian - like my husband - then you bitch and moan the entire time as you huddle in any warm, dry spot you can find. I can't wait!

Ok, so I'm off to finish packing the car....

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