Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Only 5 more days....

Only 5 more days of summer... Only 5 more days of summer.... Only 5 more days of summer!

YES! Next Monday, they will be back in school! Of course, that is going to bring on a whole new bunch of crap to deal with. With school, starts soccer twice a week, band 3 times a week, dance class 3 times a week, and boy scouts... I hate to keep wishing away my kids' childhoods, but man, will I ever be glad when they can fend for themselves a bit more! I am longing for the time to enjoy my husband....

Which bring me to... CANCUN! 16 more days, and we will be basking in the Cancun sun! Mom & Dad are keeping the kids, and I get a 4 day break! Don't get me wrong, I love my kids dearly, but every mom could use a break now & then.

So, I'm off... to finish the school shopping and packing of backpacks.... and to attend the first PTO meeting of the school year.... and so it all begins.....

There is something sweet about the start of the school year, although I'm not looking forward to the a.m. traffic (I live near Oconee Middle). Enjoy the start of year celebration--I'm sure you're not alone!
Oh, yeah... that Oconee Middle traffic is KILLER! We're at the other end of hwy 53... at Rocky Branch and North Oconee. Traffic's not as bad on that end. I feel for you guys on the Butler's crossing end....
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