Friday, July 14, 2006

More rantings about the bitch...

I hate my husband's ex-wife. I mean I REALLY hate her. On the 23rd of June, she picked Morgan up (only Morgan, not Shaunne) and took her on vacation. They flew to Florida, got on a 3-day cruise to the Bahamas, went back to Florida, then spent a week at Disney. Now normally, something like this wouldn't piss me off, but this trip pissed me off because the ONLY reasons she took this trip was because #1, Shaunne (who is 16) got to take a cruise for Spring Break, therefore Morgan (who is 10) should have been able to do the same, and #2, Todd & I took all of the kids (except Shaunne) to Disney for Spring Break. So basically, it was like a "screw you" to us all... she got to one-up us on everything. While on this vacation, Morgan was given a $25 a day allowance to simply blow on whatever she wanted (something that is completely out of the question when you've got 5 kids), she was allowed to eat whatever and whenever she wanted - when she got home, she looked like she was 6 months pregnant! I swear she gained 15 to 20 lbs in the 17 days that she was gone. She was allowed to blow $85 on braids for her hair! Yes, you read that right, EIGHTY-FIVE DOLLARS! On BRAIDS! Nevermind that she let the child walk around dressed like a hootchy the whole week (chubby little 10 year olds don't need to walk around in bikini tops with their gym shorts rolled down 12 times!) She also had Morgan call and ask her father (before coming home) if she could bring her cell phone home. Now, we have been over and over this issue of a cell phone. Please, all of you parents who have bought your child (under the age of 14 or 15) a cell phone, listen to my words: CHILDREN DO NOT NEED CELL PHONES! THEY GO NOWHERE WITHOUT A PARENT WITH THEM! (and if they do go places without a parent, then you should have your head examined). Anyway, so this is the SECOND cell phone that the stupid ex has gotten for Morgan - Morgan LOST the other one. About 3 months ago, she tried to give it to Morg after a softball game, and I said no (and was then blasted and told what a bitch I am). Todd & I agree on the fact that Morgan should not have a cell phone. Morgan goes nowhere without a parent with her - it might not be HER parent, but she always has someone's parent with her. She is 10 for goodness sakes! Anyway, so Morgan calls her father while he is busy, and he says "yeah, whatever." to the cell phone issue. Then, when Morgan came home, I had to be the bitch and take it away from her. So, this will be an issue again, I'm sure. Never-fucking-mind that we're trying to teach this kid some RESPONSIBILITY! I mean, hell, why take care of your shit? Mom will just get you another one next week.

Now, before Morgan left, Todd & I had a HUGE fight. I mean huge (even though it was over something SO INCREDIBLY STUPID!). Of course, Morgan told her mother all about the fight, about the police coming to the house, about going to Grandma's to spend the night, about me calling divorce attorneys the next day, all of it. Which really, is fine. We've told Morgan over and over that there's nothing that happens in this house that she has to keep secret (her mother does that to her enough... she's always supposed to keep what happens at "mommy's house" a secret). But what pissed me off about it is this: Morgan was gone from this house for 17 days. We never called her once in those 17 days. She called us a few times (or called her Daddy), but we never called her once. We hold the opinion that those days are her mother's time, and we don't interfere in them. BUT, since coming home on Monday, Morgan has had a bit of trouble getting back into the 'routine' around here. She forgot that there are rules here. Needless to say, she's been in trouble a couple of times... nothing major, mind you, but trouble nonetheless. Monday or Tuesday night (I can't remember which), both Morgan and the boys got in trouble because Dad made a surprise room inspection. All 3 of them were sent upstairs to clean their rooms, then after dinner and baths, they had to stay in their rooms and not watch tv. Morgan was not very happy about this and at one point asked if she could call her mother. Of course, we let her call. I tried to record the call, but for some reason, the recorder didn't pick up that time, and I can just imagine what was said. Then yesterday, the bitch called here early. Morgan wasn't here, so I didn't answer. When Morg got home, I told her that her mom called (which was the RIGHT thing to do, but not what I wanted to do). Morgan tried to call her back (of course, I had then set the recorder to make sure that it worked), left her a message, then went about her business. About an hour later, Morgan tried to call her again, and again left a message. 30 minutes later, the bitch called back (and we knew it was her because I've set the phones to ring "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" when she calls from any of her numbers - hey, it's not MY fault that she looks like a pig!), so Morgan answered it. It was a short, but sweet conversation, and about 10 minutes later, the bitch called back again, this time to talk to Shaunne. Later, I went in to listen to the recording. I swear, that woman is psycho! She kept asking Morgan over and over, "what's wrong? Why did you call so many times?

Morgan said, "you called me first. I was just calling you back."

She said, "ok. Are you sure you're ok? You sound like you've been crying."

Morgan said, "no mommy, I'm fine."

She asked what Morgan had done that day, and they made some small talk. Then she said, "are you sure you're ok? No one's fighting?"

Ahhh, so now I understand. Morgan told her about our blowup, so now, she's going to use it. They get off the phone, and when she calls back to talk to Shaunne, she asks over and over if Morgan is ok. Tells Shaunne that she doesn't want Morgan around "any fighting," and that if anything happens, Shaunne is to call her and let her know (yeah, like THAT would ever happen).

Ok. So nevermind, that her on-again, off-again boyfriend (the one she CLAIMED to be engaged to in our custody hearing over 2 years ago), is on-again, and Morgan hates him. Morgan told me just the other day that Mommy is going to marry Barry, but she doesn't understand why, because they fight ALL THE TIME - even more than [me] & daddy (gotta' love a kid's honesty).
The bitch's lease is up on her house next month (she lives in a county about 30 to 40 minutes away), and she's been looking at houses in our county (oh joy). She can't find one that she can afford, that will let her have animals, so her answer is to marry this asshole (who she can't stand), because his house (read: trailer) on Nowhere Rd. is paid for. After a few months of being married, she is planning to make him sell his trailer and get her a house in this county. Even Morgan admits that that's mean.

So, I'm expecting another call from her today. It's so hard to bite my tongue and say nothing to her. I know that she's planning to take us back to court. I don't think she'd win, but she's planning it nonetheless. The mere thought of spending another year in court makes me want to vomit, but she told me 4 years ago that she would spend the rest of her life trying to make mine hell. She is accomplishing that. I just hate that she's using her own daughter to do it.

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