Monday, May 01, 2006

Yeah, yeah, I'm still hangin' around....

So I haven't posted since February. I've tried a couple of times, but with the way that life goes around here, I can't seem to get myself together.

I've been a bit of a crazy chick the past few months. The pills that the dr. has me on is making me a complete lunatic. I kinda' got to feel sorry for my husband and kids. Mama's nuts.

Spring Break came and went and I needed a vacation to get over it. We took the 4 youngest kids to Disney for the week and did a different theme park each day. We saw Sea World. We saw Universal (both of them). We saw the Magic Kingdom. We saw a couple of water parks (you know... the ones with the slides and wave pools and stuff). I was exhausted and broke when we got home!

Then we had Spring Fling at the school. Man, those damn fund raisers are a lot of work! I don't know why I just can't seem to say no when it comes to committees. I do love it though! When your day to day life is cleaning the house, well there's just no feeling of accomplishment there... you clean and clean today, and guess what... tomorrow you get to do it all over again! Not to mention following an almost 2 year old around. Hell for 30 minutes this morning, she ran around trashing stuff, with me 2 steps behind picking it up and putting it back.

We're still trying to survive baseball season. Next year when I tell any of you that I am going to let 3 of my kids play, remind me of this statement: "I will NEVER let all 3 of the middle kids play a sport at the same time!" I am losing it! With them all in a different league, we end up playing almost every night of the week (except for Sunday and Wednesday for the church-goin' folks!), and at a different field. I really like the nights that we have 2 games, at 2 different fields, at the same time! Then throw in the oldest one and her extracurricular shit, and I am the proverbial "soccer mom," living in the van.

Last weekend was prom. Prom is fine. I had fun at prom when I was in highschool. But this school takes everything to the extreme. They have to have "After Prom." A big party for the kids to go to at the school from 11pm to 6am. Now call me crazy, but 6am is way to late for a 15 year old girl to stay out... even if she's going to be "chaperoned" by adults. The parents who do this stupid thing say it's so the kids have somewhere "safe" to go after prom... how about home? I went HOME after the prom. I never even imagined trying to stay out until 6am, chaperoned or not. Now granted, my oldest is only a sophomore (her boyfriend is a junior), and next year, I'll probably be one of the stupid-ass "chaperones" staying up until 6am, but I still think it's stupid as hell.

Now I've got PTO officer elections. And yes, I have been nominated to serve on the board next year. When you've got 3 kids in the same school, they tend to want you to do stuff. And stupid me hardly ever says no.

Oh well. I guess that my life will have to wait until my kids are gone... right now, they dominate the show.

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